The scope of the domain is variable and can range from a cell, cluster, or node to a node group or application server. 域的范围是可变的,可以从单元、集群或节点,到节点组或应用程序服务器。
This code is not supposed to compile according to the ISO C++ guidelines, because the scope of the I local variable declared as part of the loop is limited to the loop body and cannot be accessed outside the loop. 根据ISOC++的指导原则,这个代码将无法通过编译,因为作为循环中的一部分而声明的i局部变量的范围仅限于该循环体,并且在该循环之外是不能进行访问的。
Note that variables of different scopes with the same name are not the same variable. 请注意具有相同名称的不同scope变量并不是相同的变量。
Notice that the specification is the scope followed by a period followed by the name of the variable. 注意,正确的规范是范围后面跟有句点,句点后面跟有变量名。
If the global scope requires the result of the event handler, set the result in the global result variable. 如果全局范围要求使用事件处理程序的结果,请在全局结果变量中设置该结果。
The scope of the variable from the first test must also be set to "All tests for this user" for it to be visible to the second test. 来自首个测试的变量的范围,也必须设置为“Alltestsforthisuser”,以让它对第二个测试可见。
The scope of a per-user variable is set to be visible in "All tests for this user," which makes it visible to all tests being executed by the same virtual user. 前用户变量的范围被设置为在“Alltestsforthisuser”中可见,这使得它对相同虚拟用户所执行的所有测试可见。
The functions themselves only exist in the scope of the variable of which they are defined, so when that variable goes out of scope, so does the function. 函数本身仅存在于定义函数的变量范围内,因此当该变量超出范围时,函数也超出范围。
The scope of a variable is the region of your program in which it is defined. 一个变量的作用域是程序中定义这个变量的区域。
To avoid incorrectly typing the name of an existing variable or to avoid confusion in code where the scope of the variable is not clear. 可避免拼错现有变量的名称,或者避免在变量范围不清楚的代码中产生混淆。
Simulation results show that adopting such method can save energy and maintain temperature and humidity in air conditioned zones within comfortable scope under the condition of variable model environment and load parameters. 仿真结果表明,采用此方法,在模型环境、负荷参数变化的情况下,既可以达到节能的要求,又可以使空调区域的温湿度保持在舒适范围内。
Results: Datac heck, selection of grouping variables, main diagnosis and operation group, deletion of statistical insignificant items would influence the grouping results and cost level, but the influencing degree and scope of each variable is different. 结果:数据的核对、分类变量的选择、主要诊断和手术操作的分类及剔除统计无关项等都影响分组结果和费用水平,但各因素的影响程度大小和范围不一样。
The application scope of cut-and-fill mining is described which has extended from medium thick steeply inclined orebody to complex variable orebody. 论述了充填法采矿的应用范围,已从适用于中厚急倾斜矿体发展到适应复杂多变的矿体。
The main revision includes applied scope, characteristic value of variable load on roof, shape factor of wind load, earthquake-resistant design, material of steel, index of structure rigidity, prescription of design, etc. 主要做了如下方面修订:规程的适用范围、屋面活荷载标准值、风荷载体型系数、抗震验算规定、材料、结构的刚度指标、计算规定的完善等。
A conclusion could be drawn from these three algorithms that the applicable scope of feedback loops 'algorithms was broaden, and in terms of feedback loops' calculation, level variable was more important than rate variable. 结论是,三个算法拓宽了反馈环计算法的应用范围;在反馈环计算上,流位处于比流率更核心的地位。
Trying to get the optimal element density, a variable without units was defined to describe the density of element, and the optimal scope of this variable was ensured. 为确定最佳的网格密度,定义了一个描述网格密度的无因次量,并给出了不同药量时最佳无因次网格密度的范围。
The more the pressure difference value is, the less the energy-saving rate is and the less scope of high efficiency of variable pump is, and vice versa. 压差设定值越大,系统的节能率越小,循环水泵在高效区内的变频范围越小,反之亦然;
Firstly, the paper redefines the scope of constant capital and variable capital, and analyzes the influences of skill-biased technical progress on expanded organic composition of capital. 定位于知识经济时代,首先,本文重新界定了不变资本和可变资本的范围,并分析了技能偏向型技术进步对扩展资本有机构成的影响。
The low-speed automatic transmissions only have narrow scope of speed variable capacity, such as four-speed automatic transmission and five-speed automatic transmission, and can not be able to fully meet the present condition of the vehicle design requirements. 变速范围较窄的低速自动变速器,比如四速自动变速器和五速自动变速器,已经不能够充分满足现在汽车各工况的设计要求。